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Governance – what is it and how to develop a governance system?


If you work at the top of the organization and/or involve in defining the governance system, if you have to understand the governance system of your organization, or if your operational tasks are influenced by the governance system in your organization, then you can learn about some good tools that can really help. This session will not make anyone a specialist in governance but will provide at the very minimum a definition of what governance is and why it is important to any organization. The session will also present three different tools that are available to [...]

Governance – what is it and how to develop a governance system?2020-09-30T11:48:40-04:00

Highly effective and efficient support organizations


Organizations are inundated with best practices, some simple and some complex. Some of these best practices require major investments in training and are time consuming. Sometimes, organizations get lost in the complexity of these best practices and stop believing in making improvements. At the source, improving is all about knowing about who your service consumers are, what you are expected to do for them, and how best to do it. One more aspect a service provider should ensure to cover, is knowing that it provides its services in an optimal way, and if it is not the optimal then [...]

Highly effective and efficient support organizations2020-08-04T19:41:13-04:00

Being an ISO Certified Organization – What does it means?


An accredited management systems certification should provide confidence in the organization’s ability to meet its objectives related to the intent of a management system standard. One way for an organization to formalize how well they have defined their objectives, in line with stakeholder needs, and how well they meet these objectives, is to define and implement a management system and get it certified by a third party. To achieve an organization’s objectives related to the expected outcomes intended by the chosen and applicable management systems standard, the accredited management system certification is expected to provide confidence that the organization’s [...]

Being an ISO Certified Organization – What does it means?2021-07-14T08:36:34-04:00